Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification Manual with PUC Addendum
1.    Application for Certification (For First-time Applicants)
2.    Renewal Application for Certification (For Inactive Teachers)
2.    Designated Subjects/Services Certificate Pre-Request Form and Checklist
3.    Instructions for Accessing Certification Status Report
4.    Professional Activity Credit - obtain PAC forms from your local conference.
       a.    Approved Union Activities for CEUs
       b.    Criteria and Guidelines
5.    Professional Growth Books - Eligible for 25 clock hours of professional activity credit for completing the specified reading outlined in paragraph 2 on the PDFs posted by the NAD. (NOTE: CANNOT GIVE PARTIAL CREDIT FOR ONLY DOING A PORTION OF THE REQUIREMENT.  IT IS EITHER ALL OR NONE. CREDIT IS ONLY GIVEN FOR NO MORE THAN 2 YEARS BACK.)
6.    Tuition Authorization Waiver Form

Renewal Process for Employed Teachers
1.    All currently employed teachers who are up for renewal will receive a status report from the Pacific Union Conference Office of Education in January the year their certificate expires.
2.    The employed teacher should review the status report for accuracy.
3.    If corrections/updates need to be made, the teacher should send them by email or postal mail to the Union Certification Registrar.
4.    If there are no corrections/updates to be made, the teacher should send confirmation by email or postal mail to the Union Certification Registrar to communicate that the status report was received.
5.    Certificates of employed teachers will be renewed once the teacher has met all requirements for renewal. Employed teachers do not need to complete a certification application for renewal.
6.    Teachers who are 65 years of age and older who hold a valid certificate are exempt from renewal requirements. They still need to verify receipt of status report or return the status report with any changes for the certificate to be processed.

Renewal Process for Inactive Teachers
1.    A status report and a renewal application for all inactive teachers who are scheduled for renewal will be sent to the address the Pacific Union Conference Office of Education has on file. A copy will be sent to the Local Conference Office of Education, if the only address we have on file is the school where the teacher last taught.
2.    The inactive teacher should review the status report for accuracy.
3.    All inactive teachers who wish to renew their certification will need to complete a renewal application. This is a new application that we have created for this process.
4.    The inactive teacher should email the renewal application and the status report to the Union Certification Registrar. If the teacher does not have access to email, they can send their information via postal mail. The mailing address is listed on the renewal application.
5.    Certificates of inactive teachers will be renewed once the teacher has met all requirements for renewal.
6.    Teachers who are 65 years of age and older who hold a valid certificate are exempt from renewal requirements. They still need to verify receipt of status report or return the status report with any changes, in addition to submitting a renewal application for the certificate to be processed.

Summer School Information:
La Sierra University - Education Summer Schedule  and General Summer Courses
Pacific Union College - Education Summer Schedule and General Summer Courses

Contact for Seventh-day Adventist Certificates:     
Cherith Mundy - 805-413-7314

Contacts for State Credentials:     
Sylvia Cordoba - La Sierra University    951-785-2224
Nicole Nunes-Smith - Pacific Union College    707-965-6643
Credentialing Office - State of California    916-445-0243